Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You numbered all my days

 the whole earth is filled with His glory

Some scattered thoughts on a summer designed above time
 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;His love endures forever. Psalm 118:29
Thank you Lord for a beautiful summer. God you are the King of glory and you reign forever. Thank you for the gospel of Jesus Christ, for coming to die for a wicked world. Thank you for giving me all things especially the precious gift of faith. Thank you for each day making it more and more clear that I do not deserve such a gift. Thank you for every person you have allowed me to meet in my time on the planet. Thank you for the way they each reflect you as Creator. Thank you for revealing the disease of pride that is festering in my heart and thank you for being the Great Physician the One who heals all my diseases and redeems my life from the pit. Thank you for Thailand God. Thank you for letting me see your children praise your holy name in another country. Thank you for letting me really understand there are people who have never heard your name. Thank you for changing my life this summer. I pray my heart never grows weary of giving you thanks.

you are good, you are good there is nothing good in me:::these words are from a song we would sing together this summer. It was a summer of learning much starting with Gods goodness.The team arrived in Thailand and everyone was getting smacked in the face with the weight of our sin and the pride behind our motives. And honestly for a moment I was pretty angry...I don’t know if angry is the right word, but I was for sure frustrated. I had come to Thailand and I couldn’t learn anything but how awful I was or how much I didn’t trust God. (Pride...went deeper than I thought.) The summer opened with a tragedy for my family back in the states- another encounter with death- which served to enhance the ticking clock counting the moments until the end of the summer when I will arrive at the tenth year anniversary of my dads death. So in my mind I couldn’t focus. I was planning on learning something different in Thailand I would chant in my heart. The light bulb finally turned on and God started to show me that His plan was different. His plan was perfect. He was showing me that my plan of what I was going to learn pride was at the root. God knew what I would face before I was even born. It was His plan for my heart to scream for a father so loudly in Thailand that I couldn’t help but run to the Everlasting Father. A plan for me to be saturated with the attribute of God as Father everywhere I turned. A plan for me to understand that this world is not my home. A plan for me to truly know God as my Father. A plan for my heart to break for those who don’t know Him, who have never heard of such love. A plan to see how evil my heart is and how He loves me anyway. A plan to lead me to truly trust that Jesus died for my filth. Would I trade what God taught me for what I thought I was going to learn? Absolutely not. Most of the time I don’t even know what I want, how could I possibly know what I need? Praise God for pursuing us with such detail for He is good;His love endures forever.

God you never fail. You never give up. How far my heart is from loving others more than myself. The pride and wickedness are so quick to swell. Thank you for loving me through it. Thank you for raining down on me Lord. Thank you for opening the Heavens for sending living water. Thank you for the story you have given me. Thank you for the future whatever it holds let it be for your glory, for your name sake. Thank you for letting me run alongside people who understand that to die is gain, people that understand nothing in this world is of any value but your name going forth. 
Lord thank you for those who have been a part of this journey from a distance. God I pray the supporters of this mission know and trust you used them in mighty ways this summer. I pray for you as you read this blog, that today has lead you closer to His embrace, made you homesick for Heaven and brought you to your knees and back up on your feet to go tell those who live in darkness about the One who is life.          
Forever changed by the King for the Kingdom

As jet lag leaves my body, and American culture shock fades I hope to blog again about this incredible summer